Monday, March 30, 2015

The democratization of Intelligence

Democracy is a double edged sword.
On the one hand it gives a voice to everyone equally and on the other hand it gives a voice to everyone equally.

Equality is admirable and moral when viewed from a qualitative perspective; when looking at who a person is. No-one is intrinsically more important than anyone else, regardless of their religion, colour or nationality.
Equality is undesirable when dealing with what a person knows or can do.

Not every opinion counts. 
Uninformed opinions are worthless for they cannot grasp the complexities at stake. 
Poorly thought out ideas lack context and depth.
An untrained individual cannot make an accurate diagnosis.
An illiterate person cannot comment on contemporary literature.
They all lack the requisite knowledge.

Furthermore- even if we are immersed in a world of science doesn't make us scientists and just because we live in a world of philosophy doesn't make us philosophers.

Belief, whether it be in God or in his absence, cannot be a decided by democratic vote- because intelligence cannot and should not be democratized.

1 comment:

  1. So idiots shouldn't vote? Now there's a proposition.
    Belief is personal. I can't imagine how it could ever be democratically determined. Autocratically, maybe.
